2014-09-21 【Lesson 2】新建一个 android 项目 (create a new android project using eclipse and command line ) (2758)
2014-09-21 【Lesson 1】Linux 下搭建vim + android SDK + jruby (不使用eclipse ) (without eclipse, how to install vim + android sdk + jruby + ruboto ) (3841)
2014-08-11 nokogiri 的xpath方法比 ancestor() 快的多(nokogiri xpath() is much faster than ancestor() ) (2702)
2014-08-03 rails 部署时Gemfile 相关的内容( Gemfiles related stuff when deploying Rails app to production) (2771)
2014-07-29 delayed_job 由于deadlock而死掉: (Mysql2::Error: Deadlock when attempting to lock a job ) (3130)
2014-07-26 node-webkit(npm)中安装第三方包(如jquery, coffeescript) ( install jquery, coffeescript under node/node-webkit) (5042)
2014-06-19 无法部署capistrano ( Capistrano cannot deploy code, because Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed ) (3047)
2014-05-22 why delayed_job's priority is: lower is more imporant ? (为什么delayed_job的priority是数字越小越重要?) (2774)
2014-05-18 delayed_job: max_run_time 一定不要设定过短 ( max_run_time should be shorter than any kind of job ) (3173)
2014-05-07 RAILS 3.0.x 安装plugin : install rails plugin for rails 3.0.x ( Commands is not a module (TypeError) ) (3163)
2014-04-03 使用 god + delayed_job是,不要使用 god的 keep_alive选项 ( don't use god's keep alive option when using god controlling delayed_jobs) (3303)
2014-02-23 动态web页面 的速度跟nginx服务下的静态页面的支持速度,天壤之别啊。 (dynamic pages is so slow comparing to static pages served by nginx) (3237)
2014-02-13 virtual env 的使用。 python 环境的切换 ( using virtualenv as python development environment ) (3139)
2014-02-01 tooltip: jquery-ui v.s. bootstrap (注意: bootstrap 与 jquery-ui 的tooltip组件会起冲突!导致bootstrap tooltip不生效~) (5132)
2014-01-30 nginx - nginx + thin 配置 nginx 提供 assets rails ( nginx + thin, config nginx server static assets) (4230)
2014-01-30 ubuntu中 .bash_profile 会使 .bashrc失效 (remove bash_profile if you want your bashrc take effect in ubuntu) (3477)
2013-12-05 godaddy会莫名其妙的修改你域名的A记录( your domain name would be modified by godaddy in some case) (3839)
2013-09-27 rufu-scheduler 的at, 只能用Time 格式 (only use a specific time format in rufu scheduler's at) (2157)
2013-08-06 angular的controller与directive的执行顺序 ( execution sequence of angular's controller and directive) (3249)
2013-06-03 为表单加上bootstrap 风格的focus CSS ( adding bootstrap style focus CSS to your input field) (3805)
2013-02-18 使用 request-log-analyzer 分析Rails 日志(using request-log-analyzer to analyze your Rails log ) (4613)
2013-02-09 建立个简单的git server: gitosis ( gitosis: setting up a git server without complex authorization) (3190)
2013-01-30 如何查看某个Action的RESTful 类型?(how to determine the restful type of an action in Rails? ) (3748)
2013-01-30 Rails: 慎用 f.check_box , 推荐使用 check_box_tag ( prefer to use check_box_tag or hash, but not f.checkbox in Rails) (5588)
2013-01-15 调试SMTP 邮件服务器(看是否使用了BASE64 编码验证)(debug SMPT server to see if the BASE64 encoding is on ) (3955)
2013-01-15 安装JENKINS时记得要安装GIT PLUGIN哦亲! (when installing JENKINs , remember to install its 'Git plugin!' ) (2894)
2012-10-11 如何把Selenium script转换成 Java Ruby代码 ( how to convert selenium script to Java/Ruby code ) (3294)