递归函数练习题 (recursive function exams)
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递归函数非常重要。在解决很多实际问题中,在大学课程中,以及很多面试过程中,都要被用到。可以说是计算机的基础。自己之前做WEB开发,没有太重视,所以做一些补习 ^_^
Recursive function is the basic and the most important of computer science, and it is widely used in solving real problems, college education (basic courses), and in the interviews for a programmer job. so, let's have some exams for it.
1. factorial . (阶乘)
given n = 3. should get result = 3x2x1 = 6
given n = 5, should get result = 5x4x3x2x1
参考答案: (answer)
def factorial n return 1 if n == 1 return factorial(n-1) * n end
2. fabonacci numbers: (fabonacci 数列) 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ......
# 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 def fabonacci n return 0 if n == 0 return 1 if n == 1 return fabonacci(n-1) + fabonacci(n-2) end def get_array n result = [] n.times.to_a.reverse.each { |i| result << fabonacci(i) } return result end puts "fabonacci 8: #{fabonacci(8).inspect}" puts "fabonacci 8(array): #{get_array(8).inspect}"
fabonacci 8: 21 fabonacci 8(array): [13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0]
( 一个非常有趣的现象是: 越到后来, 两个相邻fabonacci的比值越接近黄金分割。例如: fab(19)/fab(20) = 0.618033985017358 )
3. 最大公约数(greatest common divisor)
例如: 54 = 54 x 1 = 27 x 2 = 18 x 3 = 9 x 6 , thus the divisors of 54 are: [ 1,2,3,6,9,18,27,54]
同样: 24 's divisors : [1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24]
the common divisors : [1,2,3,6]
so , the greatest common divisor : gcd(54,24) = 6
# need a > b def get_greatest_common_divisors_simplest(a, b) return a if b == 0 get_greatest_common_divisors_simplest(b, a%b) end require 'test/unit' class DivisorsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_get_greatest_common_divisors_simplest assert_equal 6, get_greatest_common_divisors_simplest(54, 24) end end
4. Tower of Hanoi
given three pegs, one with a set of N disks of increasing size, determine the minimum (optimal) number of steps it takes to move all the disks from their initial position to another peg without placing a larger disk on top of a smaller one.
# see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Towers_of_Hanoi def hanoi(n) return 1 if n == 1 return 2 * hanoi( n -1) + 1 end require 'test/unit' class HanoiTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_hanoi assert_equal 15, hanoi(4) assert_equal 8, hanoi(7) end end
5. (快速排序算法)Quick Sort
对一个数组进行排序,先选定一个 pivot (中间数),然后把低于这个中间数的数组元素放到less 数组中,高于它的,放在 greater数组中。 接下来,重复这个过程,对less和 greater进行迭代. (sort an array using pivot, and patition. It first divide a large list into 2 smaller lists: less and greater, then sort them recursively )
问题的核心在于: 1. 对数组进行分区 . 2. 递归重复排序的过程。3. 使用2个空的数组来保存排序结果。 ( the core of the problem is: 1. partition. 2 recursively sort. 3. declare blank arrays to store the sorted sub lits )
ef quick_sort(array) if array.size < 2 #puts "array size == 1: #{array.inspect}" return array end # find the pivot pivot, array = parition(array) # now let's sort... less, greater = [], [] # divide the array by pivot (partition) array.each { |e| e <= pivot ? less << e : greater << e } sorted_array = less + [pivot] + greater #puts "after sort,: #{sorted_array.inspect}, less: #{less.inspect}, greater: #{greater.inspect}" return quick_sort(less) + [pivot] + quick_sort(greater) end def parition(array) #puts "find pivot from array: #{array.inspect}" index = array.size / 2 pivot = array.delete_at(index) #puts "index: #{index}, value: #{array[index]}, array: #{array.inspect}" return [pivot, array] end # call it:
quick_sort(Range.new(1, 1e4).to_a.shuffle) # Finished in 0.20154 seconds
quick_sort(Range.new(1, 1e5).to_a.shuffle) # Finished in 2.58 seconds