2023-02-18 wsl - 解决 路径不对的问题 <3>WSL (280) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2671: Failed to translate D:\softwares (841)
2023-02-16 python - linux setup asdf: tk-dev error ubuntu tk-dev : Depends: tk8.6-dev (>= 8.6.0-2) but it is not going to be installed (391)
2023-02-12 ubuntu - Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock – open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable). (462)
2022-10-28 html - ruby - sinatra - headers的重要性:ipfs的headers会阻碍普通浏览器的显示 ipfs headers browser firefox show content (499)
2022-09-01 rails - rake assets:precompile 遇到错误:SassC::SyntaxError: Error: Invalid CSS after "}": (575)
2022-08-17 redis - redis的数据类型 WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value (627)
2022-07-06 blockchain - solidity - function 中的external, public, internal, private 区别在于gas 费和 参数所在的位置 (707)
2022-06-15 blockchain - !!! 重点内容. 在infura上使用编码coding的方式,创建和部署contract coding to deploy contract infura web3 ether (768)
2022-06-09 blockchain - geth - 使用docker, docker-compose 启动测试网络 lightmode eth, ethereum test network rinkeby goerli (979)
2022-06-02 rails - rails6 特别神奇的问题 "cannot load such file -- net/smtp, net-imap, net-pop" in rails (848)
2022-05-17 windows - 安装驱动要使用 鲁大师 驱动精灵 而不是 360驱动大师 always use ludashi , never 360 gtx1050 driver (744)
2022-05-13 linux - python proxy pproxy - https -> socks5 让docker/或者啥使用socks5 proxy apt-get curl wget (1113)
2022-05-02 windows - docker下的代码无法被node项目识别 (nuxt hot reloading webpack file change not work, watcher webpack poll true) (701)
2022-04-05 mysql - 从mysql 7 导入到老版本的mysql6的报错:ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes (714)
2022-02-26 postgres - truncate, refresh materialized view 暴力清空一个表 ERROR: update or delete on table "" violates foreign key constraint ... (656)
2022-02-17 docker Docker "ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network" (621)
2022-01-04 blockchain - avalanche 使用测试网络fuji test network ( metamask config network, faucet drop, get avax) (1008)
2021-06-15 javascript - element ui , checkbox: 使用多层次的v-model的注意事项, v-model是个语法糖 v-model grammer sugar (1048)
2021-06-12 javascript - electron 中的 奇怪报错:Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Window': 2 arguments required, but only 1 present. (987)
2021-05-09 d3 - geo 读取csv 并且在地图上进行显示. 例子:显示中国地图上的机场 MultiPoint, path, geo_json geojson , coordinates (1091)