blockchain - 使用metamask 发布contract , deploy contract with metamask programmatically
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async function loadWeb3() { if (window.ethereum) { window.web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum); window.ethereum.enable(); } } async function getCurrentAccount() { const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' }); return accounts[0]; } async function deploy(){ await loadWeb3(); let abi = '<%= raw @contract.contract_template.abi %>' let binary_code = "<%= raw @contract.contract_template.binary_code %>" var myContract = new web3.eth.Contract(JSON.parse(abi)); const account = await getCurrentAccount(); myContract .deploy({ data: "0x"+ binary_code, }) .send( { from: account, }, function(error, transactionHash){ if(error){ console.error(error) }else{ } } ) .on('error', function(error){ console.error(error) }) .on('transactionHash', function(transactionHash){ }) .on('receipt', function(receipt){ console.log(receipt.contractAddress) // contains the new contract address }) .on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){"== confirmation", confirmationNumber, receipt) } ) .then(function(newContractInstance){ console.log(newContractInstance.options.address) // instance with the new contract address }) }