rails - upsert 的使用解释:必须与id 配合才可以
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作用: 根据传入的参数中的id, 来判断数据库中是否具备同样的id 的记录,如果存在则更新,如果不存在则插入.
例如: 有个model, 具备3个属性: id, author_name, title
[1] pry(main)> Book.all
# => [] 最开始时无记录
[2] pry(main)> Book.upsert author_name: '刘慈欣', title: '三体1' // 可以看出报错了 ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1) from /home/siwei/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.4/lib/active_record/persistence.rb:222:in `upsert' [3] pry(main)> Book.upsert {author_name: '刘慈欣', title: '三体1'} // 还是报错 SyntaxError: unexpected ':', expecting '}' Book.upsert {author_name: '刘慈欣', title: '三体1... ^ SyntaxError: unexpected ',', expecting end-of-input ...sert {author_name: '刘慈欣', title: '三体1'} ... ^ [3] pry(main)> Book.upsert({author_name: '刘慈欣', title: '三体1'}) // 使用完整形式就没问题了。 Book Upsert (3.4ms) INSERT INTO "books" ("author_name","title","created_at","updated_at") VALUES ('刘慈欣', '三体1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ON CONFLICT ("id") DO UPDATE SET updated_at=(CASE WHEN ("books"."author_name" IS NOT DISTINCT FROM excluded."author_name" AND "books"."title" IS NOT DISTINCT FROM excluded."title") THEN "books".updated_at ELSE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP END),"author_name"=excluded."author_name","title"=excluded."title" RETURNING "id" => #<ActiveRecord::Result:0x00007f7f574e6050 @column_types={}, @columns=["id"], @hash_rows=nil, @rows=[[1]]> [4] pry(main)> Book.all Book Load (0.9ms) SELECT "books".* FROM "books" => [#<Book:0x00007f7f57498530 id: 1, author_name: "刘慈欣", title: "三体1", created_at: Mon, 30 Jan 2023 08:59:28.514813000 CST +08:00, updated_at: Mon, 30 Jan 2023 08:59:28.514813000 CST +08:00>]
1. upsert 传入的hash中,必须存在一个attribute, 对应数据库中的unique column
2. 该函数会跳过 model validation , call backs