2021-04-26 python - 使用单元测试 unittest, from X import *, String interpolation, self, class method, instance method, static method (972)
2021-03-22 android - 放弃 - 手动copy ssl证书到 系统信任的目录 emulator , der, 凭据, system certificate, burpsuite burp cacert.der (1154)
2021-03-17 android - 看这个总结篇: 反编译 - 360加固后的脱壳 - 使用: frida + 葫芦娃的 frida-dexdump 可以秒级搞定, apk, decompile, frida, frida-server, android (2672)
2021-03-15 android - apk - decompile 反编译, fdex2不行,无法脱壳360, 剩余几个未尝试: dumpdex, drizzleDumper, DexExtractor, InDroid (2082)
2021-01-23 mysql - 导入大数据之前的注意( max_allowed_packet, net_read_timeout, innodb_buffer_pool_size ) (1051)
2021-01-18 js - javascript中的 $ , _ : 看似特殊符号,实际上就是普通符号,跟 a b c 等字母作用一样, vuejs 稍微特殊一些, 跟 编码风格有关. 无具体语法意义 (1069)
2021-01-16 linux - 使用file , iconv 转换文件编码 convert file encoding using iconv, gbk, gb2312 utf-8 转换文件编码 csv 乱码 (1598)
2021-01-12 vue - 如何使用 vue-template 来进行 vue init webpack my_project 这样的操作 (manually set vue template) (1017)
2020-12-14 rails - rails 6 由于gem listen 报错 Listen error: unable to monitor directories for changes (961)
2020-12-05 mysql - 记录一次数据库长时间执行导致的 无法写入 mysql table became not writable due to a long sql execution (1403)
2020-11-19 linux - 把内容从物理机迁移到虚拟机 convert physical linux to vmware virtual machine, laptop linux to vmware (1361)
2020-10-25 https - 使用curl / httparty 忽略https的错误 ( SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired ) (1075)
2020-01-13 android - 实现自动升级 upgrade auto update version (更新进度 progressbar, 自动安装install apk, 读取文件 fileprovider) (2223)
2019-06-10 ruby - grape require要正确,否则会报错 method_missing': undefined local variable or method `parent' (1486)
2019-05-29 redis - MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. (1309)
2019-03-23 mysql - 大数据量下的操作相关 (4KW记录,32G) mysql huge data huge table big table import source restore (1318)
2019-01-11 nginx - 处理Refused to display 'url'... in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'. (2695)
2018-12-22 reactnative - 不要把extends React.Component写错!会报不好理解的错:super expression must either be null or a function (2821)
2018-12-15 rails - oracle的table primary id 一定要指定,否则会出现TypeError: nil is not a symbol nor a string (1627)