ubuntu下安装gnome, 不用unity

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refer to: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/classicgnome

Newer versions of Ubuntu include a new interface for Gnome called Unity.
Some people prefer the older interface or "classic" Gnome. This is how
you get back to that.

Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)
If you want the classic Gnome 2, install/gnome-session-fallback/in the
Ubuntu Software Center.
If you want the newer Gnome 3, install/gnome-shell/instead.
Log out.
Before you log in again, click on the Ubuntu logo near the username and
then select*GNOME Classic*.
Then you'll be logged into the old Gnome!

11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)
Classic Gnome in Oneiric is called/gnome-session-fallback/, so if you
want classic Gnome, you should install that package. If you don't know
how to install software packages, readthis

After it's installed, log out.
At the login screen, click on the wrench and select*GNOME Classic*. Then

log in.
Unfortunately,/gnome-fallback/isn't exactly like the classic Gnome of

11.04 or earlier versions of Ubuntu, but some people may still prefer it.
Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narhwal)
In 11.04 (Natty Narwhal), Ubuntu has switched the default user
interface—provided your computer meets certain system requirements—to be
Unity, a slightly different skin for Gnome. If your computer doesn't
meet those requirements, you will automatically get the classic Gnome.
For those whose computers do support Unity, you have some who love Unity
and others who just want their old Gnome back.
If you would like to switch back to classic Gnome, first you need to log

After you select your username, click on the drop-down menu at the
bottom and select*Ubuntu Classic*, and log back in again.
At least for Ubuntu 11.04 (this does/not/apply to 11.10), you can change
the setting permanently using the*Login Screen*menu item.
Just click on the Ubuntu icon and start typing/login/.
Click*Unlock*, type in your password, and then click*Authenticate*.
From the dropdown menu for/default session/, select*Ubuntu Classic*

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