如何入门 nodejs? (what's the tutorial for nodejs?)

访问量: 5664

update 2018-02-06:  come to these links : ( thanks Daniel )

https://generalassemb.ly/coding/full-stack-web-development - list of courses including details on learning Javascript
http://wiht.co/javascript-resources - list of JS resources
http://javascriptsource.com - lots of cut and paste examples of JS

Node.js 是非常著名的服务器技术,但是入门的文章很少。官方站点的文档也无法让人看懂。更是一个API。看着满目的API,心想要是有个 rails guide 类似的文档多好。 所以,我找到了这个答案: 如何入门nodejs

Node.js is one of the most popular framework nowadays, however there's no guide (like guide.rubyonrails.com) on its official website, instead, the documents there are more like APIs. so I hope the resources below will be helpful. (see : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2353818/how-do-i-get-started-with-node-js )

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