搭建android 开发环境(setup android development environment )

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1. 新手可以直接下载(eclipse adt http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html?pkg=adt ) ,作为专业程序员,我们当然要使用standalone SDK。 (http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html?pkg=tools)  我们接下来都以 eclipse adt 为例。

2. To set up the ADT Bundle: 

 1. 解压缩 .zip 文件。 (Unpack the ZIP file (named adt-bundle-.zip) and save it to an appropriate location, such as a "Development" directory in your home directory. )
2. 进入到adt-bundle-/eclipse/ 目录下, 运行eclipse (Open the adt-bundle-/eclipse/ directory and launch Eclipse. )
注意: 解压缩后的文件夹的结构不要动( Caution: Do not move any of the files or directories from the adt-bundle- directory. If you move the eclipse/ or sdk/ directory, ADT will not be able to locate the SDK and you'll need to manually update the ADT preferences. )

3. open eclipse ->  window -> Android SDK Manager (记得开启VPN啊亲! remember to launch your VPN if you are Chinese... ) 
3.1 make sure the following libs installed: 
  Android SDK Tools
  Android SDK Platform Tools
  Android SDK Build Tools 
然后在保证在某个Android SDK 目录下,要安装SDK Platform 和ARM EABI这个东东。如下图( install the following package in the circle area) 
  我现在是 2014年9月11日,那么我选择了 Android L 和 Android 4.4 W. 

Screenshot From 2014 09 11 13:59:00

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