delayed_job + god 组合使用 ( using delayed_job with god )
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项目中用到了delayed_job 这个神器。 缺点是它有时候自己遇到 mysql_connection_error 就会关掉。 ( my project heavily used delayed_job, and we found it will stop if met some error or exceptions. and I want to restart it via web GUI http request )
于是我想到用god来控制它。 ( so it's time to use GOD ( )
god 的脚本针对两种进程: 一种是普通的进程, 一种是daemon进程。 delayed_job的脚本运行后,是daemon进程,所以它的god配置文件就略有不同( 注意其中的pid 属性) ( there are 2 kind of processes in god: normal , daemon . so the config files are different. below is the daemon config file, notice its "pid" segment )
# 使用方法: # 1. 修改 RAILS_ROOT # 2. 修改 start 命令和 log 日志的地点 # 3. 调试时,记得有4分钟的延迟时间。不要问为什么delay_job脚本启动了但是SQL中仍然有JOB记录。 # 4. 而且 delayed_job 有自己的 sleep_time, 默认是60秒。 RAILS_ROOT = '/sg552/workspace/m-api-cache-cleaner' do |w| = 'cache_cleaner' w.dir = RAILS_ROOT w.start = "cd #{RAILS_ROOT} && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec bin/delayed_job -n 5 start" w.stop = "cd #{RAILS_ROOT} && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec bin/delayed_job stop" w.restart = "cd #{RAILS_ROOT} && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec bin/delayed_job -n 5 restart" w.log = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/log/cache_cleaner_stdout.log" # 根据实际使用的效果,这个参数,god 是不会建立pid_file的 # 因为 delayed_job -n 5 start 会生成自己的PID文件 # 但是我们仍然要给它一个随便的值,这标志该任务是 “有自己的daemon“的任务 w.pid_file = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "log/") # 不需要为 delayed_job 指定这个参数。因为delayed_job有休眠时间。god会不断的唤醒它。。 w.keepalive end
一点儿经验: 由于pid文件没有正常生成,所以 god不会实时监控,并且 keepalive对应的进程(也就是说,我把5个delayed_job 干掉一个之后, god不会自动的重启它) ( because the god "pid" file is omitted, god won't keep an eye on the stopped process )
但是一个变通方法是: (a workaround to keep alive delayed_job child-processes: )
$ god restart cache_cleaner
在god运行状态下,我们可以这样加载: ( we could load config file in run-time)
$ god stop cache_cleaner $ god remove cache_cleaner $ god load /opt/app/path/cache_cleaner.god $ god start cache_cleaner $ god status cache_cleaner: start
现在可以看到, 5个delayed_job 都已经跑起来了: ( now we see all the 5 processes running)
09:04 [[email protected]]$ ps -ef | grep delayed root 3683 31684 0 08:54 pts/4 00:00:00 tail delayed_job.log -f root 7842 1 4 09:04 ? 00:00:18 delayed_job.1 root 7843 1 4 09:04 ? 00:00:19 delayed_job.0 root 7872 1 5 09:04 ? 00:00:20 delayed_job.2 root 7940 1 5 09:05 ? 00:00:19 delayed_job.3 root 7956 1 5 09:05 ? 00:00:19 delayed_job.4