使用pyramid CAS
访问量: 2250
注: 不好用,还是算了吧,回归rails.
1. git clone https://github.com/aaguirre/pyramid_cas.git
2. use your pyramid_env ( cd <pyramid_env> && . bin/active)
3. cd <pyramid_cas folder> && python setup.py develop
4. change your project .ini file,e.g.
pyramid.default_locale_name = en
+pyramid.includes = pyramid_cas
+pyramid_cas.cas_server =
5. cd <pramid_cas_folder> , edit the view.py: add the line if your are
using URL dispatcher( rather than traversal)
def casLogin(request):
6. now restart the server and use /cas-login to perform a login action:localhost:6543/cas-login
and you will see your CAS login page.
7. logout: