重构 v.s. 重写 (refactor v.s. rebuild)

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虽然重构这本书出现了14年,自己在重构方面也有一些实践(从07年开始),但是我发现重构在实际应用中还是需要思考一下的。 ( Although the book <<refactoring>> has been published for 14 years , and I had this kind of experience since 2007, I found that in the real world, we should think for a while before we do the refactoring. )

是重构合适,还是重写合适?   ( should it be refactored , or rebuilt? ) 

我的意见是,如果代码的质量很差,就不值得为其重构。差代码的特点是: ( my suggestion is:  let's rebuild it if it doesn't worth refactoring.  The bad code looks like:  ) 

1. 命名很糟糕。绕来绕去的。最怕怕的例子:  red = 'green',    success = 'false',   get_an_apple()   => 'banana'    ( terrible naming) 

2. 逻辑很糟糕。大段大段的复制代码。   ( terrible logic)

3. 底层架构就是错的。    ( totally incorrect infrastructure code ) 

在这样的差代码下做重构是浪费时间。一般说来,重构的步骤是:  ( to refactor this kind of code kinda of wasting time. I would rather ask the business analyser for the re-build.  generally, the steps for refactoring are: ) 

1. 保证代码可以运行  ( make sure the targe code is running ) 

2. 读懂代码,可以写单元测试或者 回归测试   ( read the code , know the logic, and write the unit tests) 

3. 开始着手重构。  写代码 ,运行测试,写代码,运行测试。。。 (start refactoring,   run tests, write code, run tests, write code ... ) 

我觉得让一个十年经验的程序员去读一个烂代码,从代码中分析业务逻辑,不如直接让他直接去找业务人员,了解业务需求。然后按照他自己的理解来重写。  ( It's not a good idea to make a ten-years experienced programmer to read the code written by a newbie with lots of terrible code with bad smells )

那么,在什么时候重构合适呢? 我觉得有三种情况:  ( So, when should we do the refactoring?  I think there are 3 cases: ) 

1. 这个代码没有时间重写了。 (no time to write a new project ) 

2. 这个代码正在生产环境中使用。没法在短时间内把它停下来。或者说,一换下来,就会发生重大的生产事故,没人敢碰。 ( this code is running for production purpose )

3. 两个人的水平相差的不太悬殊。而且底层代码的架构不是差得离谱。还有拯救的可能。( the previous coder's ability is not too bad, and the infrastructure is not so bad.  ) 

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