Ruby中的罕见变量( rarely seen variables in Ruby)
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今天看到了几个比较罕见的RUBY变量,所以记录下来: ( Today I met the $name variable in Ruby which is rarely seen to me, so I made a memoranda here)
$, A global variable, e.g. $codes = [200, 300] @, An instance variable, e.g. @name = "joey" [a-z] or _, A local variable, e.g. var = 30 [A-Z], A constant, e.g. RED = 'red' @@ A class variable, e.g. @@action = :say下面是一些系统定义好的变量: ( below are some predefined variables )
$@ The location of latest error $_ The string last read by gets $. The line number last read by interpreter $& The string last matched by regexp $~ The last regexp match, as an array of subexpressions $n The nth subexpression in the last match (same as $~[n]) $= The case-insensitivity flag $/ The input record separator $\ The output record separator $0 The name of the ruby script file currently executing $* The command line arguments used to invoke the script $$ The Ruby interpreter's process ID $? The exit status of last executed child process