(java 往日的翻译) common-io Best practices

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Best practices 最佳实践
This document presents a number of 'best practices' in the IO area.
本文档包含了一些IO领域的 ‘最佳实践’
Often, you have to deal with files and filenames. There are many things that can go wrong:
* A class works in Unix but doesn't on Windows (or vice versa)
* Invalid filenames due to double or missing path separators
由于两个或缺少分隔符而产生的 非法文件名错误。
* UNC filenames (on Windows) don't work with my home-grown filename utility function
* etc. etc.
These are good reasons not to work with filenames as Strings. Using java.io.File instead handles many of the above cases
nicely. Thus, our best practice recommendation is to use java.io.File instead of String for filenames to avoid platform
Version 1.1 of commons-io now includes a dedicated filename handling class - FilenameUtils . This does handle many of these
filename issues, however we still recommend, wherever possible, that you use java.io.File objects.
Let's look at an example.
public static String getExtension(String filename) {
int index = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index == -1) {
return "";
} else {
return filename.substring(index + 1);
Easy enough? Right, but what happens if someone passes in a full path instead of only a filename? Consider the following,
perfectly legal path: "C:\Temp\documentation.new\README". The method as defined above would return "new\README" - definitely
not what you wanted.
的路径:"C:\Temp\documentation.new\README"。 按照上面的方法,会返回"new\README" - 这个结果不是我们想要的。
Please use java.io.File for filenames instead of Strings. The functionality that the class provides is well tested. In
FileUtils you will find other useful utility functions around java.io.File.
处理文件名时,请一定使用java.io.File而不是String. 前者提供的函数经过了相当全面的测试。在FileUtils你会发现与java.io.File相关
Instead of:
String tmpdir = "/var/tmp";
String tmpfile = tmpdir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "test.tmp";
InputStream in = new java.io.FileInputStream(tmpfile);
File tmpdir = new File("/var/tmp");
File tmpfile = new File(tmpdir, "test.tmp");
InputStream in = new java.io.FileInputStream(tmpfile);
Buffering streams
IO performance depends a lot from the buffering strategy. Usually, it's quite fast to read packets with the size of 512 or
1024 bytes because these sizes match well with the packet sizes used on harddisks in file systems or file system caches. But
as soon as you have to read only a few bytes and that many times performance drops significantly.
Make sure you're properly buffering streams when reading or writing streams, especially when working with files. Just
decorate your FileInputStream with a BufferedInputStream:
InputStream in = new java.io.FileInputStream(myfile);
try {
in = new java.io.BufferedInputStream(in);

} finally {
Pay attention that you're not buffering an already buffered stream. Some components like XML parsers may do their own
buffering so decorating the InputStream you pass to the XML parser does nothing but slowing down your code. If you use our
CopyUtils or IOUtils you don't need to additionally buffer the streams you use as the code in there already buffers the copy
process. Always check the Javadocs for information. Another case where buffering is unnecessary is when you write to a
ByteArrayOutputStream since you're writing to memory only.
请注意,不要对已经被缓冲处理过的流再次缓冲。比如XML parser的一些组件自己会进行缓冲处理,所以我们在这之前进行缓冲操作是多余的
,只能降低程序的运行速度。如果你使用了CopyUtils或 IOUtils包你就不需要对某个stream进行缓冲,因为在COPY的过程中就已经实现了缓

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