为Refinery 使用Blueprint CSS (use Blueprint CSS for your Refinery CMS)

访问量: 3612

1. 下载 Blue print, 并压缩。 (Download the Blueprint CSS zipball, from : ) Blue print website

2. 解压缩,压缩后的文件夹中,有一个叫blueprint的目录,复制到 refinery 项目中。 (Unzip the file and then copy the related files to your refinery folder: )
2.1 把对应的CSS 和 image 文件COPY过去 (copy the css file and image file to the asses folder if you are using Rails3)

 cp blueprint/ /apps/personal_site/app/assets/stylesheets/ -r 
 cp src/grid.png /apps/personal_site/app/assets/images/src/ 

3. 重点来了: 编译assets  ( Now let's work on the assets : )
3.1 生成自定制的layout文件。  ( generate customized layout file )

$ bundle exec rake refinery:override view=layouts/application

3.2 编辑 application.html.erb  ( edit this file) 

  # app/views/layouts/application.html.erb 
  <%= render '/refinery/head' %> 

3.3 编辑 app/assets/stylesheets/application.css  ( edit this file ) 

  *= require_self
  *= require blueprint/screen.css
  *= require blueprint/print.css

3.4 编辑 print.css , 注释掉最后一行: ( comment out the last line of print.css)

/* a:link:after, a:visited:after {content:” (” attr(href) “)”;font-size:90%;} 

4. 编译assets:   (compile the assets)

 RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec  rake assets:precompile 

5. 重启Rails:  (restart Rails ) 

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