rails - rspec - 在Rails项目中增加rspec (add rspec to rails and test lib files)
访问量: 3325
1. add to Gemfile:
# Gemfile: gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.0.0'然后运行:
$ bundle exec rails generate rspec:install记得要把生成的.rspec 文件做个修改,删掉
# .rspec file: --color # NO --warning, --require spec_helper
例子: make sure your have this:
# config/application.rb config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
test a file in lib folder:
require 'rails_helper' # 这句话极度重要. require 'html_parser' # it's not require 'lib/html_parser' describe HtmlParser do it 'should parse html_content' do puts 'hihihi' end end
3. 在 spec/spec_helper.rb 中,增加:
# 适当的位置 config.expect_with(:rspec) { |c| c.syntax = :should }
例子: (把它无脑流拿来复制,稍微修改下就好了。不必测试model, view, routes, request啥的了)
require 'rails_helper' describe DishesController do render_views before do admin_login request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = root_path @dishes_category = DishesCategory.create :name => "烧烤" @dish = Dish.create :name => "羊肉串", :dishes_category_id => @dishes_category.id end it 'should get index' do get :index response.should be_success end it 'should get show' do get :show, :id => @dish.id response.should be_success end it 'should get new' do get :new response.should be_success end it 'should post create' do post :create, :dish => { :name => "五花肉" } Dish.last.name.should == "五花肉" end it 'should get edit' do get :edit, :id => @dish.id response.should be_success end it 'should put update' do put :update, :id => @dish.id, :dish => { :name => "五花肉" } Dish.find(@dish.id).name.should == "五花肉" end it 'should delete destroy' do size_before_delete = Dish.all.size delete :destroy, :id => @dish.id Dish.count.should == size_before_delete - 1 end end
如果项目中用到了devise, 还需要:
0. 建立一个 Admin model。 如果你是默认的Devise, 那就把下面的Admin都替换成 User.
1. rails_helper中:
RSpec.configure do |config| # 增加这一行: config.include Devise::TestHelpers, :type => :controller end def admin_login sign_in Admin.create(email: '[email protected]', password: '88888888') end测试用的某个文件(注意其中的before do...) :
# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'rails_helper' describe SystemSettingsController do before do admin_login end it 'should get index' do get :index response.should be_success end end