如何管理godaddy host (how to manage godaddy host)
访问量: 5866
前些日子在godaddy上买了个空间,放了一个论坛(ziwokangfu.com) 。并且加上了注册验证的功能。 现在要把代码放上去。
1. 登录godaddy. (login to godaddy)
2. 进入 web hosting (enter the web hosting area)
3. control + F, 找到 'ssh shell'. (ctrl + f to find the 'ssh shell' link, click it)
4. 进入到了这个页面,把你的id_rsa 和 id_rsa.pub 分别粘贴进去,保存。 (generate , copy & paste your private, public keys )
4.1 click 'import key' button. ( if you are like me that already have a ssh key generated)
4.2 fill this form. the private key == id_rsa, the public key == id_rsa.pub (in your ~/.ssh folder)
step3. make this ssh key enabled by clicking the number '0' .
5. done. now login using your hostname:
siwei@siwei-Lenovo-V470c:/workspace/rails_girls_cn$ ssh ziwokangfu.com -l ziwokangfu Attempting to create directory /home/ziwokangfu/perl5 ziwokangfu@p3plcpnl0040 [~]$ pwd /home/ziwokangfu ziwokangfu@p3plcpnl0040 [~]$ ls ./ .appdata/ .bash_profile .cl.selector/ cpbackup-exclude.conf .htpasswds/ public_ftp/ ssl/ www@ ../ application_backups/ .bashrc .contactemail etc/ mail/ public_html/ tmp/ access-logs@ .bash_logout .cagefs/ .cpanel/ .gemrc perl5/ .ssh/ .trash/