访问量: 2200
(tire 调试的关键是:
1. 会一些基本的elasticsearch 操作, curl -XDELETE...
2. 看log
3. 看 test 目录。 这个是最好的文档。
tire 是 elasticsearch的 RUBY工具 (大部分是RUBY, 而不是RAILS),下面是几个基本用法的笔记:
比较全面的文档 见: (example 文件夹)http://karmi.github.com/tire/
如果你在进行RAILS开发,建议你从 tire自带的 RAILS EXAMPLE 看起。官方文档还是侧重于非RAILS项目的。
1. config/initializers/tire.rb
1. 进行TIRE的声明:
2. 把所有的现有数据进行索引:
$ rake environment tire:import CLASS='Article'
或者 先删除,再导入:
$ rake environment tire:import CLASS='Article' FORCE=true
production import:
$ rake environment tire:import CLASS='Article' RAILS_ENV=production
3. 查询:
4. 配置(dynamic mapping):
5. 与mongoid 的结合使用:
5.1 . 增加配置文件: config/initializers/tire.rb
# 错误的日志(出错原因:注意 -d 中不是正确格式的JSON):
# 2012-06-24 10:40:12:%L [apple/4fe67e0c91c97d1691000001] ("apples")
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/apples/apple/4fe67e0c91c97d1691000001" -d 'tasteswe
# 2012-06-24 10:40:12:%L [400]
# ,正确的日志:
# 2012-06-24 10:44:30:%L [apple/4fe67f0e91c97d16c5000001] ("apples")
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/apples/apple/4fe67f0e91c97d16c5000001" -d '{"taste":"sweet","_id":"4fe67f0e91c97d16c5000001","color":"red"}'
5.2 某个model的声明:
5.3 Gemfile:
5.4 rspec:
5.5 确保 mongodb 和 elasticsearch 都在运行,然后
$ bundle exec rspec spec/models/apple_spec.rb
就可以看到, mongodb 和 elasticsearch 都同时被加入了新数据。
5.6 一个 ACTION的例子:
(注意其中的分页 和 查询 )
+ page = params[:page] || 1
+ key_word = params[:key_word] || ""
+ s = Tire.search 'items' do
+ unless key_word.blank?
+ query do
+ string(key_word)
+ end
+ end
+ sort { by :created_at, 'desc' }
+ size 50
+ from (page.to_i - 1) * 50
+ @items = s.results
1. 会一些基本的elasticsearch 操作, curl -XDELETE...
2. 看log
3. 看 test 目录。 这个是最好的文档。
tire 是 elasticsearch的 RUBY工具 (大部分是RUBY, 而不是RAILS),下面是几个基本用法的笔记:
比较全面的文档 见: (example 文件夹)http://karmi.github.com/tire/
如果你在进行RAILS开发,建议你从 tire自带的 RAILS EXAMPLE 看起。官方文档还是侧重于非RAILS项目的。
1. config/initializers/tire.rb
Tire.configure do logger 'tire.log', :level => "DEBUG" end
1. 进行TIRE的声明:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include Tire::Model::Search include Tire::Model::Callbacks end
2. 把所有的现有数据进行索引:
# import all Article.index.import Article.all # call the paginate method Article.import :per_page => 100 # call the paginate method, default per_page => 1000 Article.import
$ rake environment tire:import CLASS='Article'
或者 先删除,再导入:
$ rake environment tire:import CLASS='Article' FORCE=true
production import:
$ rake environment tire:import CLASS='Article' RAILS_ENV=production
focusbeijing@focusbeijing-desktop:/sg552/workspace/miaomiao_cat$ bundle exec rake environment tire:import CLASS='Item' FORCE=true
[IMPORT] Deleting index 'items'
[IMPORT] Creating index 'items' with mapping:
[IMPORT] Starting import for the 'Item' class
287/287 | 100% ###################################################
Import finished in 1.77737 seconds
[IMPORT] Deleting index 'items'
[IMPORT] Creating index 'items' with mapping:
[IMPORT] Starting import for the 'Item' class
287/287 | 100% ###################################################
Import finished in 1.77737 seconds
3. 查询:
Article.search do query { string 'love' } facet('timeline') { date :published_on, :interval => 'month' } sort { by :published_on, 'desc' } end
4. 配置(dynamic mapping):
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include Tire::Model::Search include Tire::Model::Callbacks mapping do indexes :id, :index => :not_analyzed indexes :title, :analyzer => 'snowball', :boost => 100 indexes :content, :analyzer => 'snowball' indexes :content_size, :as => 'content.size' indexes :author, :analyzer => 'keyword' indexes :published_on, :type => 'date', :include_in_all => false end end
5. 与mongoid 的结合使用:
5.1 . 增加配置文件: config/initializers/tire.rb
Tire.configure do logger "log/tire.log" end
# 错误的日志(出错原因:注意 -d 中不是正确格式的JSON):
# 2012-06-24 10:40:12:%L [apple/4fe67e0c91c97d1691000001] ("apples")
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/apples/apple/4fe67e0c91c97d1691000001" -d 'tasteswe
# 2012-06-24 10:40:12:%L [400]
# ,正确的日志:
# 2012-06-24 10:44:30:%L [apple/4fe67f0e91c97d16c5000001] ("apples")
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/apples/apple/4fe67f0e91c97d16c5000001" -d '{"taste":"sweet","_id":"4fe67f0e91c97d16c5000001","color":"red"}'
5.2 某个model的声明:
class Apple include Mongoid::Document field :color, :type => String field :taste, :type => String include Tire::Model::Search include Tire::Model::Callbacks # 绝对不要声明这个方法。 画蛇添足。 默认的RAILS就会自动生成正确的json string。否则的话, 会出现错误的json 导致保存不成功。 #def to_indexed_json # self.as_json #end end
5.3 Gemfile:
gem 'tire' gem 'yajl-ruby', '1.0.0' # 1.1.0 mets problems # for tire's import gem 'will_paginate', '~> 3.0.0'
5.4 rspec:
require 'spec_helper' describe Apple do it "should create index" do apple = Apple.new :color => "red", :taste => "sweet good!" apple.save s = Apple.tire.search 'red' puts "s.inspect: #{s.inspect}" s.each do |a| puts "document.inspect: #{a.inspect}" end end end
5.5 确保 mongodb 和 elasticsearch 都在运行,然后
$ bundle exec rspec spec/models/apple_spec.rb
就可以看到, mongodb 和 elasticsearch 都同时被加入了新数据。
5.6 一个 ACTION的例子:
(注意其中的分页 和 查询 )
+ page = params[:page] || 1
+ key_word = params[:key_word] || ""
+ s = Tire.search 'items' do
+ unless key_word.blank?
+ query do
+ string(key_word)
+ end
+ end
+ sort { by :created_at, 'desc' }
+ size 50
+ from (page.to_i - 1) * 50
+ @items = s.results