在本地搭建gem server的考虑 ( setup gem server on local )
访问量: 3236
$ gem server 是个好东西。 (gem server is easy to use )
优点:1. 命令简单。 2. 可以 gem rdoc --all 或者 gem rdoc <gem_name> 来生成对应的api ( advantages : simple , and could generate all the gem's doc )
缺点:每次都要手动运行。(disadvantages: have to run it manually everytime)
如果我希望我的nginx能运行 gem server? 貌似没办法 ( seems impossible to use nginx to replace 'gem server')
如果你用max os, 可以试试这个:http://gugod.org/2010/09/local-gem-server/ (if using max os, you could probably try this: )
p.s. what about run 'gem server' as a nohup command?