vuejs - 使用轮播图: vue-awe-some-slider
访问量: 2383
1. package.json;
添加到 dependencies 中: "vue-awesome-swiper": "^2.5.4"
或者先运行命令: cnpm install vue-awesome-swiper --save --verbose
2. src/main.js:
import VueAwesomeSwiper from 'vue-awesome-swiper' Vue.use(VueAwesomeSwiper)
3. 在对应的视图文件中,增加视图:
<swiper :options="swiperOption" ref="mySwiper"> <!-- slides --> <swiper-slide v-for="image in good_images" v-bind:style="{backgroundImage: 'url(' + image + ')'}" style='width:100%; height: 270px; background-position: center center; background-size: cover; ' > </swiper-slide> <!-- Optional controls --> <div class="swiper-pagination" slot="pagination"> <div class="swiper-scrollbar" slot="scrollbar"> </swiper> import { swiper, swiperSlide } from 'vue-awesome-swiper' data() { return { // 在页面中,定义这个常量: swiperOptions swiperOption: { notNextTick: true, autoplay: 1000, direction : 'horizontal', autoHeight: true, pagination : '.swiper-pagination', paginationClickable :true, scrollbar:'.swiper-scrollbar', observeParents:true, // if you need use plugins in the swiper, you can config in here like this // 如果自行设计了插件,那么插件的一些配置相关参数,也应该出现在这个对象中,如> debugger: true, // swiper callbacks // swiper的各种回调函数也可以出现在这个对象中,和swiper官方一样 onTransitionStart(swiper){ console.log(swiper) }, loop: true, autoplay: 2500, // more Swiper configs and callbacks... // ... } mounted () { // 初始化轮播图 this.swiper.slideTo(1, 1000, false) // 开始自动播放 this.swiper.startAutoplay() }, components: { swiper, swiperSlide }, computed: { swiper() { return this.$refs.mySwiper.swiper } }