titanium 的unit test: tio2
访问量: 2673
refer to: https://github.com/appcelerator/tio2
1. $ npm install -g tio2
2. .... 对方的文档写的很差。比如说 这个很可怕的 issue: https://github.com/appcelerator/tio2/issues/14
cb1kenobi commented on Nov 26 Sorry guys. Things are a bit out of date at the moment. I haven't had time to fix it and don't think I'll get to it anytime soon. :(
还好这个项目中有个example. 可以让我们参考,于是:
$ cd < your project folder >
$ ln -s . harness
$ ln -s specs suites
同时,保证你的 spec 目录下,有多个“子目录”, 每一个子目录都包含了一个app.js 目录才行。 这样才算作一个suite.
$ tio2 --platform android --target device .