贡献 Titanium Doc ( contributing to titanium doc)
访问量: 2645
fer to: http://www.appcelerator.com/blog/2014/12/contributing-to-the-titanium-sdk-documentation/
社区的兴旺是某技术得以发展的原动力。很高兴看到titanium 能够直接把文档拿出来给大家修改。
1. 过来注册wiki账号:https://wiki.appcelerator.org/signup.action
2. 注册之后,就可以看到这个欢迎页面了:
3. 签署贡献者版权协议 (Contributor License Agreement)
4. 就会发现,还需要设置 wiki的用户名啥的。
5. 然后对方会要求你 在线签字, 然后发来确认邮件。 进入邮箱,点击链接确认。
6. 然后,来到:https://www.flowdock.com/invitations/6a460d20dd87f0ba20e5af28f241b7883c8ec413
注册 flowdock (如果你有google account的话可以直接用), 然后就可以发言啦。
于是我就顺藤摸瓜,找到了 @Ingo 的邮箱,给他发了邮件:
hi Ingo, I am Siwei from Beijing, I would like to contribute the wiki, could you please give me the corresponding write access? thanks, Siwei p.s. I found an error of this page: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Writing_Unit_Tests_with_Drillbit all the four links below is broken ( none could be downloaded) . Do you know who is maintaining "Drillbit" Project ? Mac OSX Windows Linux 32-bit Linux 64-bit