Titanium api: 展现层小动画 activity indicator, progress bar
访问量: 2674
refer to: http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.ActivityIndicator
Activity Indicator 用来告诉用户,你正在点击啥啥。。。
ProgressBar 告诉用户,当前进度是多少多少。。。。
ProgressIndicator ,跟ActivityIndicator 基本一个作用。
Ti.UI.backgroundColor = 'white'; var win1 = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: 'blue' }); var win2 = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: 'yellow', fullscreen: true }); var style; if (Ti.Platform.name === 'iPhone OS'){ style = Ti.UI.iPhone.ActivityIndicatorStyle.DARK; } else { style = Ti.UI.ActivityIndicatorStyle.DARK; } var activityIndicator = Ti.UI.createActivityIndicator({ color: 'green', font: {fontFamily:'Helvetica Neue', fontSize:26, fontWeight:'bold'}, message: 'Loading...', style:style, top:10, left:10, height:Ti.UI.SIZE, width:Ti.UI.SIZE }); // The activity indicator must be added to a window or view for it to appear win2.add(activityIndicator); // eventListeners must always be loaded before the event is likely to fire // hence, the open() method must be positioned before the window is opened win2.addEventListener('open', function (e) { activityIndicator.show(); // do some work that takes 6 seconds // ie. replace the following setTimeout block with your code setTimeout(function(){ e.source.close(); activityIndicator.hide(); }, 6000); }); win1.open(); win2.open();
使用两个 alloy views来实现上面的代码:
win1.xml: <Alloy>
<Window onOpen="openWin2" backgroundColor="blue" />
</Alloy> win1.js: function openWin2 () { var win2 = Alloy.createController('win2').getView(); win2.open(); } win2.xml: <Alloy>
<Window onOpen="showIndicator" fullscreen="true" backgroundColor="yellow"> </Alloy> win2.js: function showIndicator(e){ $.activityIndicator.show(); // do some work that takes 6 seconds // ie. replace the following setTimeout block with your code setTimeout(function(){ e.source.close(); $.activityIndicator.hide(); }, 6000); }