titanium 入门 2 alloy v.s. Titanium SDK
访问量: 7656
很多时候,我们做页面布局,事件绑定,可以用alloy, 也可以用titanium SDK来实现,例如:
Titanium SDK Component |
Alloy Component |
Titanium.UI.* Objects Titanium.UI.createButton();
Titanium Object properties Titanium.UI.createButton({
width: Ti.UI.SIZE
Titanium Object methods var button = Titanium.UI.createButton();
'Push Me!'
Use in the controller code. You need to define the id attribute of the object in the XML markup, so the object can be referenced in the controller. // Need to give the object an ID, for example, <Button id="button" />
'Push Me!'
Titanium Object events var button = Titanium.UI.createButton();
, doClick);
XML attribute to bind a callback in the associated controller. Capitalize the first character of the event name and append 'on' to the beginning of the name. <!-- doClick needs to be declared in the associated controller -->
<Button onClick=