配置 titanium 开发环境
访问量: 3502
1. 务必是 oracle JDK1.7. 否则 titanium studio 运行不起来
2. 安装后的 Android SDK 的读写权限不能是 700. 务必保证其他 user group 可以读 ( $chmod 777 $ANDROID_HOME -R )
3. 安装完 titanium studio之后,记得注册titanium官网,并且设置好 studio/cli 下的代理。
1. 到官方网站注册,激活账号。 再补充好资料
2. 根据不同的平台,下载。我下载的是 Linux 64位。大约100MB
3. 开始配置
System Requirements
Your system environment must meet the following requirements to run Titanium Studio:
Operating System: A recent version of Windows, OS X or Ubuntu
Memory: 2 GB RAM (available memory, rather than total memory)
Java Runtime: Oracle JDK (no other brand of Java is suitable) (只能是 Oracle JDK )
Node.js: required for the Titanium command-line tools like the CLI, Alloy and Node.ACS.
值得说明的是: 内存要足够大。 需要有2g的空闲内存。 而且只能是Oracle JDK 1.7 ( 来这里下载 linux 64位包:http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u25-b17/jdk-8u25-linux-x64.tar.gz )
Node.js 0.10.13 or later.
on Linux, Titanium Studio also requires the GTK windowing system
Installing Titanium Studio
The installation procedure for Titanium Studio differs depending on the platform.
Once downloaded, open the Titanium Studio .zip archive file by right-clicking on it and choosing the Extract Here menu option
Open the resulting folder, and run the TitaniumStudio executable to launch the application.
Logging in to Studio
On initial launch, Studio asks you to provide your Appcelerator Network account credentials. Studio requires an internet connection to authenticate the user to the Appcelerator cloud
Enter your Appcelerator Network credentials.
Optionally click Proxy Setup... to configure your proxy settings if needed.
Click Login.
Studio remembers your login credentials until you sign out of Studio.
1 Window -> Preferences
Studio -> Platforms