使用sweetkit + motionkit 使代码可读性更强,更简介(use sweetkit instead of sweettea)
访问量: 2695
refer to: https://github.com/motion-kit/sweet-kit,
前篇文章,向大家介绍了 sweettea 。 虽然它已经停止了,但是原作者写出了新工具:sweetkit 。 让我们看一看:
官方介绍就一句话:Some helpers for MotionKit that add the coercion abilities of SugarCube to the style abilities of MotionKit, for great good.
于是我提了个issue: 要多几个例子。对方1分钟就回复我了:
You should read up on MotionKit, there are lots of samples and documentation. SweetKit is just some helpers for MotionKit: