开发rubymotion必备工具 —— 2 ( must-have libraries for rubymotion - part2)
访问量: 2664
refer to: http://blog.arkency.com/2014/07/one-ruby-to-rule-them-all/
- SugarCube - even better syntax for RubyMotion
- BubbleWrap - a lot of utilities for managing most common platform elements like persistency, global state, notifications and hardware
- AFMotion - best networking library with beautiful DSL and block callbacks
- MotionSupport - port of the parts of ActiveSupport that make sense for RubyMotion
Styling (with emphasize on SweetKit)
- SweetKit (MotionKit + SugarCube) - layout and styling gem
- SweetTea (Teacup + SugarCube) - CSS styling, it's seriously awesome, but not officially maintained yet
- Core Data Query - manage your Core Data stack with data model file
- Motion Model - DSL for Core Data with validation and mixins
Frameworks (with preference to simpler for the beginning RMQ)