highchart - error #15 排序弄好了就好了.

访问量: 2062

参考:   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25082034/highcharts-error-15/50166245#50166245

in my case, the first element of the "data array" , is datetime-descend. this is incorrect for HiChart. e.g.

# this sort cause error 15 of highchart
[   5,        'content...' ],
[   4,        'content...' ],
[   3,        'content...' ]

solution: re-order the array with the 'asend order' for the first element, e.g.

# this is working good
[   3,        'content...' ],
[   4,        'content...' ],
[   5,        'content...' ]

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