使用genymotion时候的注意事项 ( genymotion tips)

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refer to:  http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2528952

1. 记得登录。 不登录的话abd 或者 $ti build的时候不能用

2. 记得加上两个patch.   

   一个是  Genymotion-ARM-Translation_v1.1.zip

另一个是 对应的android的版本的补丁

下面的步骤, 走到第7步即可。 ( 在大陆内登录不了 google store) 

  1. Download the following ZIPs:
  2. Next Open your Genymotion VM and go to the Homescreen
  3. Now Drag&Drop the Genymotion-ARM-Translation.zip onto the Genymotion VM window.
  4. It should say "File transfer in progress", once it asks you to flash it click 'OK'
  5. Now Reboot your VM using ADB or an app like ROM Toolbox. If nescessary you can simply close the VM window, but I don't recommend it.
  6. Once you're on the Homescreen again Drag&Drop the gapps-jb-20130813-signed.zip(or whatever version you got) onto your VM, and click 'OK' when asked
  7. Once it finishes, again Reboot your VM and open the Google Play Store.
  8. Sign in using your Google account
  9. Once in the Store go to the 'My Apps' menu and let everything update(fixes a lot of issues), also try updating Google Play Services directly.
  10. Now try searching for 'Netflix' and 'Google Drive'
  11. If both apps show up in the results and you're able to Download/Install them, then congrats you now have ARM support and Google Play fully setup!

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