使用genymotion时候的注意事项 ( genymotion tips)
访问量: 6453
refer to: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2528952
1. 记得登录。 不登录的话abd 或者 $ti build的时候不能用
2. 记得加上两个patch.
一个是 Genymotion-ARM-Translation_v1.1.zip
另一个是 对应的android的版本的补丁
下面的步骤, 走到第7步即可。 ( 在大陆内登录不了 google store)
- Download the following ZIPs:
- ARM Translation Installer v1.1 Hosted by FILETRIP (Mirrors) - If you have issues flashing ARM Trnaslation, Try re-downloading from a mirror
- Download the correct GApps for your Android version:
If you have issues flashing GApps, Try re-downloading from a mirror
- Next Open your Genymotion VM and go to the Homescreen
- Now Drag&Drop the Genymotion-ARM-Translation.zip onto the Genymotion VM window.
- It should say "File transfer in progress", once it asks you to flash it click 'OK'
- Now Reboot your VM using ADB or an app like ROM Toolbox. If nescessary you can simply close the VM window, but I don't recommend it.
- Once you're on the Homescreen again Drag&Drop the gapps-jb-20130813-signed.zip(or whatever version you got) onto your VM, and click 'OK' when asked
- Once it finishes, again Reboot your VM and open the Google Play Store.
- Sign in using your Google account
- Once in the Store go to the 'My Apps' menu and let everything update(fixes a lot of issues), also try updating Google Play Services directly.
- Now try searching for 'Netflix' and 'Google Drive'
- If both apps show up in the results and you're able to Download/Install them, then congrats you now have ARM support and Google Play fully setup!