gaze: nodejs 下监控文件改变( gaze: another file watcher in nodejs)

访问量: 3072

refer to:

tishadow 使用了gaze 来监控文件的改动.

翻看了下文档, gaze 的使用很简单 直观:

var gaze = require('gaze');

// Watch all .js files/dirs in process.cwd()
gaze('**/*.js', function(err, watcher) {
  // Files have all started watching
  // watcher === this

  // Get all watched files
  this.watched(function(err, watched) {

  // On file changed
  this.on('changed', function(filepath) {
    console.log(filepath + ' was changed');

  // On file added
  this.on('added', function(filepath) {
    console.log(filepath + ' was added');

  // On file deleted
  this.on('deleted', function(filepath) {
    console.log(filepath + ' was deleted');

  // On changed/added/deleted
  this.on('all', function(event, filepath) {
    console.log(filepath + ' was ' + event);

  // Get watched files with relative paths
  this.relative(function(err, files) {

// Also accepts an array of patterns
gaze(['stylesheets/*.css', 'images/**/*.png'], function() {
  // Add more patterns later to be watched

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