angular, react, meteor 用哪个。
访问量: 3375
MVC, MVP, 。。。概念如下:(refer to:
MVC - Model-View-Controller MVP - Model-View-Presenter MVVM - Model-View-ViewModel MVW / MV* - Model-View-Whatever HMVC - Hierarchical Model-View-Controller MMV - Multiuse Model View MVA - Model-View-Adapter
MVW 的出现很有意思。 与其跟大家讨论这个框架到底是MV啥,不如就叫MV啥好了。 简洁干净,有这一点就足够了。叫啥不重要。所以angular 就标榜自己是 MVW 框架。
Angular 45k关注
angular,我在2013年7月左右就用过。思想很先进,文档特别烂。 我读了大约40% ,实在读不下去了。很多读者的感觉跟我一样,在官方文档下面留言说: “这是我读过的最烂的文档”。。。
下面是2年前的 文章,当时的槽点很严重:
acjohnson55 630 days ago I think the author is right, if Angular stays how it is today. I've spent a lot of time trying to learn and believe in Angular. I've failed to be persuaded that it's the end-all, be-all that many people think it is. Nothing I've read--not the docs, nor ng-book--have successfully given me the mental model for what the heck is going on behind the scenes. I think directives are a horrible hacky mess. I recently struggled mightily to design a simple recursive tree directive. Apparently it can't be done without hacking the compile/link plumbing [1]. But my understanding is that Angular is actually going to vastly simplify and modularize in version 2 [2]. I've read that Web Components will be replacing directives [3]. Notably Google is also sponsoring Polymer, which is based on Web Components. Object.observe is going to vastly simplify the scope situation. [1] [2] [3] ----- JPKab 630 days ago You've further reinforced my gut feeling of staying away from Angular at the time. I'm a data guy, and I only mess with web apps to present my stuff. Recently I wanted to do a realtime map app to display tweets processed by some ML stuff I had built. I started to look at Angular, got a headache, and then built it with Meteor. It was ridiculously, almost embarrassingly easy. I felt like it was 1996 and I was sneakily using Microsoft Frontpage to build my web page instead of hand coding it. Now, I'm not an idiot. I understand that Angular is a toolkit for building things which are much, much bigger and more complex than anything I touch. But if they can make it easier with version 2, I'll wait until then.
React: UI组件框架 ,33.5k关注
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Meteor 30 k关注
是一个框架,可以跟angular配合, 也可以跟react配合。
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