alloy Model: 数据绑定(data binding) 2- 增删改查(CRUD)
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注意: 看明白这篇文章的基础,是需要知道Titanium中基本的数据库操作. 见:!/guide/Working_with_a_SQLite_Database-section-29004901_WorkingwithaSQLiteDatabase-CreatingandInstallingDatabases
refer to:!/guide/Alloy_Sync_Adapters_and_Migrations
// app/modes/book.js , 有两个列: title, id. 数据库中有18条记录 //migration, db_name, db_file 也是可以配置的 exports.definition = { config: { 'columns': { 'title' : 'TEXT', 'id' : 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT' }, 'adapter': { 'type': 'sql', 'collection_name': 'books', 'idAttribute': 'id', //'migration': '20150404180000' } }, extendModel: function(Model){ _.extend(Model.prototype, {}); return Model; }, extendCollection: function(Collection){ _.extend(Collection.prototype, {}); return Collection; } }
再配置 view: (很简单,务必建立一个 <Model /> 标签,否则 Alloy.Models 是空, 无法使用Alloy.createModel('book') )
<Alloy> <Model src='book' instance='true'/> <Window class="container"> ... </Alloy>
一旦配置好了之后, 这样用: ( 目前还不知道如何在controller中调用 sqlite中的数据)
// 假设数据库的表: books中有18个结果 my_book = Alloy.createModel('book') my_book // 这时 这个变量啥内容也没有. my_book.fetch() my_book // fetch()之后, 返回18个结果 如果不用Model, 用Collection, 也可以查询: books = Alloy.createCollection('book') books // 啥也没有 books.fetch() books // 结果就全出来了.
上面的看明白后,下面的基本不用看了 . 容易蒙, 而且没有成体系. 慎重!
Sync Adapter
就是存储的策略. 是通过web service 保存到远程的服务器,还是 保存到本地的数据库.(android, ios上的sqlite)
默认的情况是,Alloy 在创建model的时候,需要设置 Model.urlRoot 属性,或者 Collection.url. 然后Backbone会通过RESTful 的方式向远程服务器发送请求.
id 是主键. 跟MYSQL 中的id一样.
cid 是Backbone分配给某个model的临时id (client id) ,仅仅在 app运行时 有用.
下面的表格列出了 增删改查对应的 内容:
Backbone Method |
Sync CRUD Method |
Equivalent HTTP Method |
Equivalent SQL Method |
Collection.fetch |
read |
Collection.create (id == null) |
create |
Model.fetch |
read |
SELECT | (id == null) |
create |
Model.destroy |
delete |
所以,下面代码可以清晰的看出, 某个方法(fetch, save) 对应的RESTful request:
// Since the urlRoot attribute is defined, all HTTP commands are to /library // 思维注: 没有测试下一行代码,但是我估计 /library 应该不是完整的远程url, 是不是应该写成: // ? var Book = Backbone.Model.extend({urlRoot:'/library'}) var book = new Book(); // Performs a POST on /library with the arguments as a payload and the server returns the id as 1{title:'Bossypants',author:'Tina Fey',checkout:false}) // Performs a GET on /library/1 book.fetch({id:1}); // Performs a PUT on /library/1 with the entire modified object as a payload.{checkout:true}); // Performs a DELETE on /library/1 book.destroy();
如何设置 Ti Model中的config ? (看里面的sync方式)?
1. sql: 保存在手机上的sqlite 数据库
2. properties: 保存在Titanium的环境中.
对应的sync 文件会被复制到: Resources/alloy/sync 中.
SQLite Adapter
var library = Alloy.createCollection('book'); // The table name is the same as the collection_name value from the 'config.adapter' object. This may be different from the model name. var table = library.config.adapter.collection_name; // use a simple query library.fetch({query:'SELECT * from ' + table + ' where author="' + searchAuthor + '"'}); // or a prepared statement library.fetch({query: { statement: 'SELECT * from ' + table + ' where author = ?', params: [searchAuthor] }});
myModel.fetch({id: 123}); // is equivalent to myModel.fetch({query: 'select * from ... where id = ' + 123 });
database migration ( 不建议使用 , 建议直接建立新的sqlite 数据库( 如: my_db_v1, my_db_v2)
migration 跟rails的一样, 仅仅在sql方式下生效,命名方式也跟rails的一样, 定义好两个方法: up, down
var preload_data = [ {title: 'english book'}, {title: 'math book'}, {title: 'chinese book'} ] migration.up = function(migrator){ migrator.createTable( { 'columns': { 'title' : 'string' } }) for (var i = 0; i< preload_data.length; i++){ migrator.insertRow(preload_data[i]); } } migration.down = function(migrator){ migrator.dropTable(); }
migrator 作为特殊的migration object, 有下列方法:
Key |
Description |
db |
Handle to a Ti.Database instance to interact with the SQLite database. Use this handle to execute SQL calls using db.execute. DO NOT CLOSE THIS HANDLE OR OPEN A SECOND INSTANCE OF THE DATABASE. This will cause fatal application errors. |
dbname |
Name of the database. |
table |
Name of the table. Same as value of the config.adapter.collection_name key of the Alloy Model file. |
idAttribute |
Name of the columns attribute to use as the primary key of the database. |
createTable |
Function to create a table in the database with the specified schema. Required parameter is the columns object from the configuration object of the Alloy Model file. |
dropTable |
Function to drop the current table from the database. |
insertRow |
Function to insert data into the table. Required parameter is a data object to insert in the table. Useful for preloading data. |
deleteRow |
Function to delete data from the table. Required parameter is a data object to remove from the table. Alloy uses an SQLite query based on the specified object to find the data to delete. |
migration会被自动执行到最新. 会在 app 启动时自动执行.
这里的官方文档没有说清楚, 尚未弄明白它是如何使用的. 所以不建议使用migration